Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Our purpose in ministering to children is to present Christ in an easy and understandable way through Children's Church, Bible Study, and Wednesday Night Kids Worship. We love children and find joy in serving families with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Mornings and Wednesdays

9am Sunday School - 10am Children's Church

Our love for children is realized through our loving and caring adult teachers who take time to study and prepare to share the love of God with little ones of all ages who come to join us on Sundays!

6pm Wednesday - Kids Worship 

Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm our children meet for Kids Worship. They spend time studying the Bible, playing games, and working to serve others in some way.  it is a great time for kids to come, learn about Jesus, and have fun.

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