
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

When we use the phrase, "Making Jesus known in Jasper and around the world," we mean it. Over the past several years we have traveled to Wisconsin, New York, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and Guatemala. Several have served through the local Soup Kitchen, Center of Hope, and other local charitable organizations. We love Jesus and love others through our service in missions.

Local Ministries to Partner

Soup Kitchen

Before the pandemic, a team of volunteers worked in cooperation with other teams from other churches to serve hot meals to those in need. We hope to return to this ministry very soon!

Upward Basketball

Our volunteers for Upward basketball are amazing! For 20 years we have served the greater Farmstead community and the surrounding area by offering basketball and cheerleading. We are postponing for the time due to the pandemic but hope to kickstart the league in the first of the year.

Join the mission

Visit us on campus on a Sunday or Wednesday and speak with leadership about our plans to make Jesus known in Jasper and around the world in the coming weeks, months, and years!